Spooky Security
Eric Bailey
Written on 7 September, 2018
Tags: darwin, keyboard, security, skhd, chunkwm
Update (21 September, 2018): It turns out Keybase.app was to blame. I've since quit it and removed it from my login items, and all is well again. This skhd issue thread details some excellent debugging strategies, which I've modified slightly here.
ioreg -lw 0 \ | perl -nle 'print $1 if /"kCGSSessionSecureInputPID"=(\d+)/' \ | uniq \ | xargs ps -o comm= -p
For example, when I enable secure keyboard entry in Terminal.app
, I see the
following output.
I've been using chunkwm and skhd to help make Darwin more palatable, but skhd
suddenly stopped working. When I try to start it manually, I get the following
skhd: secure keyboard entry is enabled! abort..
The internet suggested I disable iTerm 2's Secure Keyboard Entry, but I've switched to kitty.
After some further frantic DuckDuckGo-ing, I came across a function,
, which seemed like the answer, so I wrote a quick
program to call it and try to end my troubles.
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (IsSecureEventInputEnabled()) printf("Secure keyboard entry is enabled.\n"); DisableSecureEventInput(); if (IsSecureEventInputEnabled()) printf("Secure keyboard entry is still enabled.\n"); return 0; }
Secure keyboard entry is enabled. Secure keyboard entry is still enabled.
No such luck. I'm literally dying.