(define the-dream (+ 'scheme 'lilypond))
Eric Bailey
Written on 7 December, 2014
Updated on 17 December, 2023
Tags: lilypond, scheme, music
Lately I've gotten increasingly obsessed with Lisp family of programming languages and am determined to write as little non-Lisp code as possible.
As such, I've started experimenting with writing more Scheme in Lilypond.
Note to self: Dive deeper into these pertinent blog posts ASAP. This is an entirely impractical example, but it gives a glimpse of
what's possible. I can't wait to start map
-ping lists of musical expressions
and representing music as trees.
Create a new hash table with minimum vector size 5
(define riffs (make-hash-table 5))
Associate a LilyPond snippet with the key 'I
in the riffs
hash table.
(hashq-set! riffs 'I #{ \mark \markup { I } f4 a c d | f d c a | f4 a c d | ees d c b | #})
Do the same for the 'IV
, 'I'
, 'V
, and 'turnaround
(hashq-set! riffs 'IV #{ \mark \markup { IV } bes4 d f g | bes g f d | #}) (hashq-set! riffs 'I' #{ \mark \markup { "I'" } f,4 a c d | f d c a | #}) (hashq-set! riffs 'V #{ \mark \markup { V } g a bes b | c bes a g | #}) (hashq-set! riffs 'turnaround #{ f4 f aes aes | g g ges c | #})
\version "2.24.1" \paper { oddFooterMarkup = ##f }
Load the Scheme code from above.
#(load "the_dream.scm")
Lookup the riffs from the hash table and add them to the score.
\score { \relative c, { \clef bass #(hashq-ref riffs 'I) \break #(hashq-ref riffs 'IV) #(hashq-ref riffs 'I') \break #(hashq-ref riffs 'V) #(hashq-ref riffs 'turnaround) \bar "|." } \layout { indent = 0 } }
Generate the PNG
N.B. The order of the flags matters.
lilypond --include $PWD -dcrop -dresolution=200 --png the_dream.ly