Cons Cells in Lisp Flavoured Erlang

Eric Bailey

Written on 10 August, 2015
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Just as you'd expect from Erlang or another Lisp, in LFE, lists are composed of cons cells and when you use pattern matching to bind the head and tail of a singleton list, head holds the single element and tail is the empty list.

> (let ((`(,head . ,tail) '(a-single-element)))
    (lfe_io:format '"Head: ~w~nTail: ~w~n" `(,head ,tail)))
Head: a-single-element
Tail: ()

We can confirm this by checking that a cons cell of the atom a-single-element and the empty list is exactly equal to a singleton list of the same atom.

> (=:= (cons 'a-single-element '()) '(a-single-element))